Tag Archives: hobbies

Learning how to solve a “Rubik’s cube”

The “Rubik’s cube” has been something I have been interested in for a long time. I always thought that I would never be able to do it, because the first few times I tried it was too hard for me.

I didn’t play the Rubik’s for a while, until this year when my Dada started to teach me. He taught me some algorithms. At first, it was pretty tricky. I kept turning the wrong turns and confusing myself by not focusing. But when I kept practicing and persisted I started getting better and better, until I could solve the cube on my own.

music from –> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NcPvmk4vfo

When I first saw the Rubik’s cube I thought ” Okay this is gonna be quick and easy.” but back then I had no idea that the Rubik’s cube was a lot more complicated than I thought. When I was trying to learn the algorithms I thought that I would never know how to solve the Rubik’s. But I learned to never give up. You always have to know that when you try something new you aren’t the best at it yet — so, just keep trying.

” The Rubik’s is not impossible, just keep practicing”